ASX Thursday Lunchtime Market Update

Australia’s share market, or the All Ordinaries (INDEXASX: XAO)(ASX: XAO) has not had a good start to the day, it's currently down almost 0.5%.

Australia’s share market, or the All Ordinaries (INDEXASX: XAO)(ASX: XAO) has not had a good start to the day, it’s currently down almost 0.5%.

Three of the four big banks have been knocked down by a decent notch on reports that China might stop buying US bonds. Commonwealth Bank of Australia (ASX: CBA) is down 0.51%, Westpac Banking Corp (ASX: WBC) is down 0.60% and Australia and New Zealand Banking Group (ASX: ANZ) is down 0.8%. National Australia Bank Ltd (ASX: NAB) rounds off the group down only 0.15%.

Further down the market cap list, the Carsales.Com Ltd (ASX: CAR) share price has had a bingle, perhaps on news that diesel car sales could plunge this year or perhaps due to a negative broker note released earlier.

McMillan Shakespeare Limited (ASX: MMS) is the other worst performer in the ASX 200, with the share price packaged down by 4.38% at midday.

JB Hi-Fi Limited’s (ASX: JBH) share price has shot up 5.15% this morning thanks to one of the main brokers releasing a positive note about the company.

At the smaller end of the market, Nearmap Ltd (ASX: NEA) released a positive set of growth numbers this morning, the share price reacted by growing 8.4% so far today.

Finally, cannabis company Creso Pharma Ltd (ASX: CPH) announced it would be starting a joint venture business to sell cannabis-derived drinks. Investors thought this could send Creso to new highs, with the share price up 5.77%.

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