Great Things I Read This Week

Here's a collection of some great psychology, finance and investing podcasts, books and blogs, I consumed this week. Reading for knowledge -- rather than entertainment -- is really important to me.

Each day, I ‘pay myself’ a minimum of one hour but ideally two. It’s my time to learn, be entertained, lower stress and improve myself. The best investment you’ll make is in yourself.

In 2018, one of my three goals is to spend two hours each working day on learning a computer language and reading. Click here for last week’s reading list.

Here’s a collection of some great psychology, finance and investing podcasts, books and blogs, I consumed this week. Reading for knowledge — rather than entertainment — is really important to me.

Collaborative Fund

Collaborative Fund is one of my must-read blogs. It focuses on venture capital, risk, behaviour, investing strategy and more.

Why Competitive Advantages Die

Making Sense Vs. Being Right

Farnam Street

Written by Shane Parrish, you won’t find a better blog and community of people who want to think better. I’m working my way through Farnam’s 113 mental models.

Farnam Street’s learnings apply as much to investing as they do business and everyday life.

How To Remember What You Read

How a Decision Journal Changed the Way I Make Decisions



You Can Be A Stock Market Genius – Joel Greenblatt

I enjoyed this book. It’s an easy read for someone with an intermediate level of financial literacy. Greenblatt’s distinct ‘special situations’ investing is vividly recalled with a style of writing that is witty and candid. I’m not certain the strategies employed would be effective in Australia today, but it was insightful nonetheless.

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

Still reading. I’ve been reading this book for months. It’s a deep dive into the metaphysics of quality and value.



Invest Like The Best

One of the best podcasts I know. This week, I listened to these podcasts:

Harvey Sawikin – Emerging Market Opportunities

Josh Wolfe – This Is Who You’re Up Against

Dr. Ben Hunt – The Three Body Portfolio

Preston Byrne – Crypto-apocalypse 

Animal Spirits Podcast

This is a new podcast by Mike Batnick and Ben Carlson of Ritholtz Wealth Management. It is shorter episodes, which makes them easy listening when you’re in the car or train for 20 minutes. The podcasts are a funny and insightful take on financial markets and investing. They also share some of their best books and articles from the week.

Here’s the link to this week’s update.


Something Ridiculous

Everyone Is Getting Hilariously Rich And You’re Not

“My neurons are fried from all the volatility,” Mr. Hummer said. “I don’t even care at this point. I’m numb to it. I’ll lose a million dollars in a day and I’m like, O.K.” – New York Times


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