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Is Pushpay (ASX:PPH) The Best ASX Tech Share?

Pushpay Holdings Ltd (ASX:PPH) has just been voted as a leading technology business, is it the best?
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Pushpay Holdings Ltd (ASX: PPH) has just been voted as a leading technology business, is it the best?

Pushpay is a New Zealand based donation systems and software business for religious, not-for-profits and education providers in the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Pushpay is used by over 7000 churches worldwide. The average gift is $192.

What Happened With Pushpay?

Accounting giant PwC New Zealand has named Pushpay as its Hi-Tech Company of the Year for 2019 for the second time.

The judges liked Pushpay’s combination of metrics and mission and applauded that a Kiwi company was working in with both technology and generosity.

Previous winners include Datacom, Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Corp Ltd (ASX: FPH) and Xero Limited (ASX: XRO).

If Pushpay can be as successful as Fisher & Paykel and Xero then it would turn out very well.

Pushpay Chairman Graham Shaw said: “We have a team of extremely hard working, talented and dedicated people and I am proud to work alongside them.”

Pushpay is certainly one of the growth shares on the ASX to watch. In its recent result it reported total revenue grew 40% to US$98.4 million and net profit increased by 181% from a loss of $23.3 million to a profit of $18.8 million.

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