Forager: is it time for a look at retail shares?

Forager Fund Management Chief Investment Officer Steve Johnson and International Shares Fund Analyst Chloe Stokes recently got together (remotely) to talk retail shares.

Forager Fund Management Chief Investment Officer Steve Johnson and International Shares Fund Analyst Chloe Stokes recently got together (remotely) to talk retail shares.

Watch the following video analysis of the analysts discussing the COVID-19 market crash, how the Forager’s retail holdings have fared and the outlook for Ulta Beauty (NASDAQ: ULTA) and Hallenstein Glasson Holdings (NZE: HLG).

This video should be viewed in conjunction with the Forager Funds quarterly report, which can found at the following link: Managing through a market meltdown

Otherwise, you can subscribe to the Forager Funds YouTube channel by clicking here.

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