Cameron Brownjohn podcast: Private Equity investing with an impact

In the latest episode of The Australian Investors Podcast I spoke with Cameron Brownjohn of Federation Asset Management. 

In the latest episode of The Australian Investors Podcast, I spoke with Cameron Brownjohn from Federation Asset Management.

Cameron is the co-founder and managing director of Federation, Chair of Special Olympics Australia and a former investment banker.

I hadn’t spoken to Cameron before the podcast but I had heard about Federation and what his team had set out to achieve with their private equity fund.

I asked Cameron to act as our guide to his firm’s three focus areas because many of our listeners would be intrigued by these markets and the opportunities, yet are also unlikely to have direct experience investing in them.

Cameron’s team and investing philosophy sees his firm focus on the following segments of the market, to maximise return but also support initiatives where all stakeholders benefit.

  1. Renewable energy and sustainable infrastructure. Cameron’s team identify deals and opportunities that go beyond simply picking projects with the highest short-term Internal Rate of Return (IRR) to focus on those with sustainable outcomes.
  2. Real estate. Specifically real estate involved with disability housing and healthcare, education. In our conversation, Cameron covers the NDIS and the opportunity currently unfolding in the local market.
  3. Growth-style private companies. Federation has backed founders of innovative private companies, especially those in the financial, health, industrials and technology sectors.

Listen online now: iTunes, SpotifyCastbox & YouTube.

Reach out to Cameron & his team:

At the time of publishing, Owen does not have a financial or commercial interest in any of the companies mentioned.
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