Video: The Bull (and Bear) case for Pointerra Ltd (ASX: 3DP)

In this week's Australian Investors Podcast, we're talking Pointerra Ltd (ASX: 3DP).

In this week’s Australian Investors Podcast, we’re talking Pointerra Ltd (ASX: 3DP).

3DP Share Price

Source: Rask Media.

Andrew Page & Owen talk Pointerra on The Australian Investors Podcast

Pointerra provides 3D Data-as-a-Service (DaaS) and Analytics-as-a-Service (AaaS) for companies and experts involved in the surveying industries. Basically, Pointerra provides powerful cloud storage and computing to store 3D images and data which can be stored, analysed and manipulated in a cloud environment.

Meaning, it’s now possible for surveyors and companies (e.g. electricity providers) to manage huge datasets and monitor their assets and projects with superb accuracy. Pointerra provides its services through sticky monthly contracts.

Andrew Page is a private investor and the founder of, Australia’s premier investment platform for private investors to share their ASX share research and insights on companies.

Andrew joins Owen Raszkiewicz on The Australian Investors Podcast to talk about Strawman and the small technology company lots of private investors are talking about: Pointerra.

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At the time of recording, Andrew owns shares of Pointerra – Owen does not. Pointerra was recommended in June as part of our Rask Rockets 2020 service.
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