Morgan Housel Interview: The Psychology Of Money

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Morgan Housel gets interviewed by Kate & Owen for The Australian Finance Podcast about his brilliant book, The Psychology of Money.

Money has many ironies. Here’s an important one: Wealth is what you don’t see.”

Morgan Housel, The Psychology of Money

That’s a quote from The Psychology of Money, written by today’s special guest all the way from the US, Morgan Housel. Morgan has a way of explaining financial concepts and ideas in a way that resonates and sticks with a huge audience, so we are pumped to bring this episode to you today.

Kate and Owen chat to Morgan about his reflections on writing and reading widely, the important behaviours we should work on to improve our odds of financial success and the most powerful thing money can do for you.

We’d love for you to share your takeaways from this episode or Morgan’s book with us in our online community!

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