Adairs (ASX:ADH) share price drops despite huge growth

The Adairs Ltd (ASX:ADH) share price is down despite the homewares and furnishings business reporting record profit.
Temple & Webster

The Adairs Ltd (ASX: ADH) share price is down despite the homewares and furnishings business reporting record profit.

Here’s what Adairs reported in HY21

Adairs group sales went up 34.8% to $243 million. This growth was made up of different elements – overall store sales growth was 4.6%, or 14.4% during periods that stores were open. Online Adairs sales growth was 95.2%. Mocka sales were up 44.4% to $28 million.

Online sales continue to represent a larger proportion of total sales. Group online sales of $90.2 million represented 37.1% of total group sales.

The company’s gross profit margin increased by 500 basis points (5%). The underlying Adairs gross profit margin increased by 690 basis points (6.90%) to 67.8% and the Mocka underlying gross profit margin increased by 230 basis points (2.30%) to 53.4%.

The revenue growth and stronger margins saw underlying group EBIT (EBIT explained) rise by 166% to $60.2 million. This EBIT was equal to the entire EBIT for FY20.

The bottom line statutory net profit surged 233.4% higher to $43.9 million, whilst profit / earnings per share (EPS) went up to 25.9 cents. Operating cashflow went up 91% to $46.5 million.

Adairs was also happy that its ‘Linen Lover’ membership now exceeds 900,000 customers. These members account for 75% of all sales.

It also announced that it will repay the jobkeeper wage subsidy benefit of $6.1 million back to the government.

Adairs dividend and balance sheet

Adairs’ board decided to declare an interim dividend of 13 cents per share. It finished with net cash of $22.1 million, compared to net debt of $1 million at 30 June 2020.

Trading update

For the first seven weeks of FY21, Adairs has seen online sales growth of 65.9%, with Mocka sales growth of 48.6% and like for like sales growth of 12.4%. Total group sales were up 25%.

Stock flow from China and South East Asia remains inconsistent due to international shipping disruptions.

Summary thoughts

Adairs now offers a fully franked dividend yield of 5.7%, which is a big yield if you’re just focused on income.

Can the growth continue over the rest of FY21? The company is now facing strong comparable sales months in 2020. I think Adairs could still be one to watch if its online sales keep rising and it can add more stores to its network over time.

Before you consider Adairs, I suggest getting a free Rask account and accessing our full stock reports. Click this link to join for free and access our analyst reports.

At the time of publishing, the author of this article does not have a financial or commercial interest in any of the companies mentioned.
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