Your Crash Course Guide To Getting A Mortgage With Chris Bates

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On this episode of The Australian Finance Podcast, Kate & Owen bring back Chris Bates(mortgage broker) to discuss everything from what mortgage brokers can do for you, how they’re paid in Australia and finding the best rate for you; to fixed vs variable loans and owning your own home in less than 30-years.

Then if you’re ready to go one step further, we’ve launched our property 101 course on Rask Education (curated by Chris & Amy), to take you through the entire property buying process! Head to Rask Education to get the property party started today 🏘️

Send any questions to [email protected] for us to answer on future Q&A episodes.

Recorded in Feb 2021.

Owen, Kate, and The Rask Group Pty Ltd do NOT receive anything for mentioning Super funds, products, shares, bank accounts, etc.

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