10 Must-Know ATO Tax Rules For 2021 & Beyond – Save On Tax (Businesses & Employees)

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Argh… tax time is upon us! What tax deductions can I claim? How does my tax work? Can I salary sacrifice or add extra to Super and claim?

In this episode of The Australian Finance Podcast, Owen Rask talks to expert tax agent Jacob Fenech, part of the Airtax team, about the 10 “must-know” tax rules for 2021 & beyond.

Remember, it’s okay to claim tax deductions! The ATO (Australian Tax Office) expects people to claim tax deductions — after all, it’s part of the Aussie tradition to get a fat tax refund, right?

Owen, Kate, and The Rask Group Pty Ltd do NOT receive anything for mentioning Super funds, products, shares, bank accounts, etc.

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