In this episode, fan favourite Bronwyn Bruce (aka Miss Money Box) joins Kate & Owen to discuss her PhD research into women and Super in Australia. It’s a fascinating conversation featuring real-life examples of what helps some young people crush their Super goals… and how others get left in their wake.
Ladies, remember this: Combine, contribute and invest!
Parents (and anyone else) remember this: conversate!
Hot tip: Never shy away from a conversation about money. Conversations make it okay to learn and talk money.
In this Australian Finance Podcast episode, we discuss how we can narrow the Super gap, both at the systemic and individual level, developing self-efficacy, who influences our approach to Super and how we can all work to get our community more engaged with their Super.
What is the Super gap, you may be asking? It’s the difference in the size of average Super balances between men and women. You can find out more by clicking here.
We discuss how we can narrow the Super gap, both at the systemic and individual level, developing self-efficacy, who influences our approach to Super and how we can all work to get our community more engaged with their Super.
Disclosure: Owen, Kate, and The Rask Group Pty Ltd do NOT receive anything for mentioning Super funds, products, shares, bank accounts, etc.