Australian Finance Podcast | Rent vs Buy – The Great Debate ft. Andrew Page

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On this episode of The Australian Finance Podcast, Owen Rask chats to Andrew Page (Founder of Strawman) about his experience selling his family’s home to invest in shares, and the volatile ride renting different houses in Sydney ever since.

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This is the episode you’ve all been waiting for…

Why’s that?

Nearly every second question we receive is along the lines of do I pay off the mortgage vs invest in shares?

We’ve spoken before about this being a false choice, you don’t have to pick between property and shares, but in this episode, we bring in someone who’s lived through it, and boy does he have a tale to tell. He sold his house in Sydney to buy more shares!

Owen Rask has an in-depth chat with Andrew Page (Founder of Strawman) about his experience selling his family’s home to invest in shares, and the volatile ride renting ever since. They also delve into the upsides and not-so-good-sides of owning your home vs renting, answer some great listener questions and dissect the great Australian homeownership dream.

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