It’s no secret that we love podcasts here at Rask Australia, given we produce two of our own.
So in this article, our team shares some of their favourite podcasts and episodes during 2021, and what they have learnt from them.
– Rask Media Contributor
I really enjoyed The Australian Investors Podcast episodes with founders such as Cobram Estates Chairman Rob McGavin and Adore Beauty founder Kate Morris.
Founders are different beasts. They don’t think about business like analysts or the finance industry. For the most part, they are just trying to build a great customer experience and solve a genuine pain point. Margins, revenue growth and TAM all kind of fall into place when you’re so laser-focused on the customer.
I think it’s refreshing to listen to founders who have dedicated large chunks of their lives towards a cause, especially ones that have been successful.
– Rask Media Contributor
Chris Bloomstran was interviewed on The Investors Podcast by We Study Billionaires. Chris talked about highly valued growth companies, and how historically they have not performed well.
While a takeaway could have been to avoid all highly valued businesses, my personal takeaway was to look more under the hood of fast growing companies and understand the assumptions you are making: 30% CAGR on top-line for 10 years may be OK, or it may be too high.
Understand the bet.
Monique Pizzica – Podcast Producer & Videographer
Kate Morris from Adore Beauty’s episode on The Australian Investors Podcast. It’s interesting to learn how she built such a huge empire and how ahead of her time she was with online shopping.
I love the fact that she thought about the psychology of customers when they open their package. How giving a little gift can make people feel.
Sally O’Brien – Graphic Designer & Copy Editor
I enjoyed the episode How to juggle multiple jobs (and incomes) on a budget with Jason Leong.
My key takeaway was to record everything related to additional income streams so that when tax time comes you have a clear record of reportable income and deductions. Also to avoid a shoebox full of receipts!
I also really enjoyed the shares month series on The Australian Finance Podcast. There was a lot of insight packed into five episodes! It was a great starting point to hear the 11 suggested shares from the Rask analysts in the $10k share portfolio episode.
– Rask Media Contributor
I’ve enjoyed plenty of Rask ones this year like Andrew Page’s thoughts on the Rent v Buy debate and the Cobram Estate one.
But if I had to choose a non-Rask one, it’d be Nick Griffin from Munro Partners talking about how large the decarbonisation opportunity is.
Spoiler: He said it’s a $30 trillion to $50 trillion revenue opportunity for companies that can provide solutions.
– Rask Invest Analyst
Peter Phan and the one key takeaway I took from the interview was the importance of having a balanced lifestyle. Peter noted Warren Buffet was not as successful as Charlie Munger because Buffet didn’t have stronger relationships with his family.
There’s always a trade-off in every decision we make, and it seems like Buffett chose to devote more time towards his craft.
It was also an important reminder to build an environment conducive to optimising a balanced lifestyle. For example, not chasing more money if it means less time to spend on what I enjoy.
– Community & Education
I loved listening to the new podcast from Emma @ The Broke Generation.
She has such a different way of looking at the big personal finance topics, that makes you really reflect on your spending habits and money mindset. I especially enjoyed her episode on why we spend emotionally, which I’d recommend tuning into.
– Founder & Lead Analyst
We interviewed Morgan Housel, writer of The Psychology of Money, and it was brilliant! (If I do so myself).
Hopefully, this article has given you some summer podcast inspiration, to keep you learning and inspired over the break.
We’d love to hear some of your favourite podcast episodes during 2021, so be sure to share them with us on Instagram or Twitter @RaskAustralia or in our FB Community.
This article formed part of our 2021 wrap, which includes: