$100k divorce?! Understanding the financial costs of separation

In this episode of The Australian Finance Podcast, Kate Campbell chats to Gabrielle Canny, who is the Director of the Legal Services Commission of South Australia, about the costs of divorce and separation in Australia.

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If you’re going through a divorce or separation, or want to help someone who is, this episode will provide you with some fantastic free resources to make the process easier and much less expensive.

In this episode, Kate chats to Gabrielle Canny, the Director of the Legal Services Commission of South Australia and the brains behind amica (an awesome resource that we discuss in the episode).

Gabrielle shares some of the basics of divorce and separation for those in marriages or de facto relationships, the costs and timelines to be aware of, common roadblocks that prevent two people from coming to an arrangement and some fantastic free resources to be aware of like amica and Legal Aid.

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