Just keep buying (investments) with Nick Maggiulli

In this episode of The Australian Finance Podcast, Kate Campbell and Owen Rask chat to Nick Maggiulli, the author of Just Keep Buying, and the Chief Operating Officer for Ritholtz Wealth Management LLC.

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Why should we be investing?

Well according to today’s guest Nick Maggiulli, we should invest to save for our future selves, preserve our money against inflation and replace our human capital with financial capital.

Nick Maggiulli is the author of the brand new release Just Keep Buying, the Chief Operating Officer for Ritholtz Wealth Management LLC and a wonderful writer in his own right, through his website Of Dollars and Data.

Kate and Owen chat to Nick about his new book Just Keep Buying and why we shouldn’t wait for the dip, the biggest lie in personal finance, investing in ETFs versus individual shares and dealing with lifestyle creep.

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