6 financial myths Kate & Owen want to bust

In this episode of The Australian Finance Podcast, Kate Campbell and Owen Rask break down six financial myths that are holding you back from reaching your financial goals.

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In the world of money and finance, things can seem pretty murky at the best of times.

This is one of the reasons Owen and Kate started The Australian Finance Podcast many years ago.

Why should Australians be held back from taking the reins of their financial future, just because the gatekeepers like it that way?

Thankfully, consumers are pretty savvy these days and know that if they put in the work, they can figure a lot of the basics out in all areas of their lives.

That’s not to discount the experts like financial advisers and accountants, but it’s about knowing enough to sense check claims, double check solutions and make sure you’re working towards your own financial goals and no one else’s.

But there are a few financial myths that have managed to stick around like a bad smell, which we want to unpack with you in today’s episode.

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