Where I’m investing and seeing ASX share opportunities

There has been so much volatility on the ASX share market this year. I’m seeing chances to invest in some quality investments.

There has been so much volatility on the ASX share market this year. I’m seeing chances to invest.

Low prices don’t normally stay low forever. Normally, like we last saw in 2020, most share prices go back up eventually.

All of these impacts with inflation and interest rates make things unpredictable. It’s surprising how many large negative days there have been recently – most central banks have been indicating for a while that interest rates are quickly headed higher. It’s not like it’s new information.

There are some ASX shares where I do think that the sell-off has been fairly deserved. The likelihood of their long-term profitability has reduced.

Potential ASX share opportunities

I think there have been some very painful, oversold ASX shares that now look much better value.

Names like Temple & Webster Group Ltd (ASX: TPW), Adore Beauty Group Ltd (ASX: ABY), City Chic Collective Ltd (ASX: CCX), Volpara Health Technologies Ltd (ASX: VHT) and Australian Ethical Investment Limited (ASX: AEF) now look seriously cheaper than in 2021.

Of course, the above names, or any investment, could keep going lower. There are no rules about when a recovery happens, or how low this decline goes.

I’m optimistic about the futures of the businesses I named, and today they are priced at much lower value, which is good for new investors.

Over the long-term, which is what investing should be about, businesses that are growing and investing in themselves should do reasonably well if their futures look profitable.

But, I do think that some of the businesses that have fallen the most have the bigger return potential like we saw after the COVID-19 crash.

Where I’m investing

At the moment, for my own portfolio I am looking at ASX shares that can provide diversification, have defensive business models and are at good value.

Some of the ASX shares that could provide that protection and long-term potential are: Washington H. Soul Pattinson and Co. Ltd (ASX: SOL), Brickworks Limited (ASX: BKW), Future Generation Investment Company Ltd (ASX: FGX) and L1 Long Short Fund Ltd (ASX: LSF). WHSP is one ASX share I have been investing in recently for my portfolio.

As a bonus, many of the above names are actually good dividend payers, particularly when the franking credits are included.

At the time of publishing, Jaz owns shares of Future Generation and WHSP.
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