Investing with less than $5k & building an investor mindset | Evan Lucas from InvestSMART

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In this episode of The Australian Finance Podcast, Kate Campbell and Owen Rask chat to Evan Lucas, who is the Chief Market Strategist at InvestSMART, about long-term investing, ways to get started with less than $5,000 & keeping your strategy as simple as possible.



Can you invest with less than $5,000?

We’re taking a break from Shares Month in this episode of The Australian Finance Podcast, as Kate Campbell and Owen Rask chat to Evan Lucas, who is the Chief Market Strategist at InvestSMART, an Australian provider of low-cost ETF portfolios, focused on helping you take the first step on your investment journey.

We chat to Evan about the data behind long-term investing, whether we’re ever too late to the game to start making a meaningful change in the direction of our financial future, building strong saving and investing habits, and ways to invest with less than $5,000 and Evan’s number one tip for new investors getting started.

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