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Money & Chill: fun money hacks, recession & 1 hack to pay off your mortgage A$AP

In this episode of The Australian Finance Podcast, Kate Campbell, Owen Rask & Monique Pizzica chat about what a recession could mean for your finances and share their latest money saving hacks.

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Are we heading into a recession?! What does it mean? How can I recession-proof my finances?

In this episode, we have a chat about what a recession means for us, and some strategies we can put in place to make the most of our finances right now.

Kate shares how sheā€™s dealing with the cost of living increases and keeping her food costs down, Owen shares his strategy to cut up to four years off your home loan and Monique shares a great way to get some cashola back on clothes youā€™re not wearing anymore.

Money & Chill is a new monthly segment on The Australian Finance Podcast featuring Owen, Kate and our producer Monique Pizzica. We chat about the personal finance and investing news, hacks & lessons we discover during the month, along with Rask and community updates.

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