Spending vs saving: finding the balance between YOLO and future you

In this episode of The Australian Finance Podcast, Kate Campbell and Owen Rask tackle our spending and saving habits, and how to find the balance between YOLO and future you.

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The great debate: are you a spender or a saver?

This question gets thrown around quite often, and it’s easy to lump yourself into a specific camp without really thinking about the drivers behind your behaviour. Most of us have a bit of both in us, and we’d argue that’s a good thing.

This episode is going to focus on those that find themselves on the spending side of the debate, and hopefully provide you with some strategies to bring a bit more balance to your financial life.

In this episode, Kate & Owen unpack the four main reasons why we spend money, with the goal of learning to spend your money with more intention.

TLDR: You’re going to spend money for many different reasons and that’s a big part of your financial life. But where you can, try to articulate why you are spending the money.

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