Short targets, FTX arrest, Drew’s top 3 countries, use your mortgage to buy stocks, Commsec pocket & more

Owen Rask and Drew Meredith are back on The Australian Investors Podcast for 2 Sense. This week, Drew and Owen the FTX arrest, paying down your mortgage... then redrawing and buying stocks, WAM's performance, the Rask event, Drew's top 3 bullish countries and so much more! 

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About this episode

Owen Rask and Drew Meredith are back on The Australian Investors Podcast for 2 Sense. This week, Drew and Owen the FTX arrest, paying down your mortgage… then redrawing and buying stocks, WAM’s performance, the Rask event, Drew’s top 3 bullish countries and so much more!

** Please note: there is no video for this week’ss podcast, so we instead included the Rask Event Livestream where some questions were answered. **

What’s “2 sense”?

2 Sense (2C) is our (very) laid-back investing discussion session in which our two experts, Drew and Owen, attempt to answer all of your investing questions, covering ASX and global stocks, managed funds, ETFs, LICs or portfolio construction. That said, Drew and Owen will also any questions you want to throw at them:

  • Direct stock ideas
  • Macro forecasts
  • Whether it’s pronounced “finn ants” or “fine arts”
  • Funds management
  • Something business but completely unrelated
  • Financial planning
  • Whether curly moustaches make you a better investor
  • Portfolio construction for retirement
  • Drew and Owen’s private company investing
  • You name it!

Be sure to select “The Australian Investors Podcast” when it prompts you to say where you want your question answered.

🏆 The best question each week wins a free pass to Owen’s $499 Value Investor Program!

If you would like Drew and Owen to cover a company on your watchlist or in your portfolio, or ask a question, use our Typeform to submit your question.

DeepF#$@ingDividend What are you thoughts on carbon credit trading? Feel like this is becoming a more interesting space/growth area. Would be great if you can invite an expert guest on the show to discuss more.
The Baron Zip Von Dubberhofen Hi Owen & Drew, Thanks for the great podcast. You spoke last week about the potential for emerging markets to out perform western markets. What do you think would be reasonable exposure to EMs within a portfolio with a long term horizon? You also mentioned that you prefer managed funds for EMs. Can you please give some examples that you would recommend & why?
Wannabe Wazza Buffet How do multi factor ETFs like WDMF and AUMF stack up? They seem to be a smarter way equity allocation than the raw market cap index funds (but more expensive) but cheaper than active management. Do they look like a cheap way to d stock picking (which a higher inflation environment like now favours) or are they just a tarted up index etc with some extra frilly bits and fees?
Drew me like one of your French girls Short time listener, first time questioner. I currently have a vanguard account and I am invested in VAS and VGS (about a 50:50 split). I am redrawing equity from my house now to invest further into in the market. Is it better to invest a bigger split into Australian shares (VAS) to use the dividends to help pay the loan off faster (60:40 VAS:VGS), or more into global and pay the loan off over a longer term?
Dody Any platform that support Chess-sponsored like trading with HIN numbers on trading US shares for Oz investors (or non-US citizen) not residing in US instead of the custodian model which majority of the platforms are? And will any support dividends reinvestment so I can automate the processes?
Philip Lowe’s House cleaner Hi Owen, love the pod, I really appreciate the information that you and the team have been giving out, and discussing!
I have been adding to my etf portfolio every week and my broker that I use is Commpocket (CBA bank). I don’t hear many finance people speak about commpocket at all, so my question is can you outline any positives/negative’s over using a different broker such as vanguard compared to Commpocket?Thankyou for your time!
Warren Wood Hi Owen/Drew, long time listener, first time writer. Could you explain the subtle differences between the Vanguard Australia Index funds Managed vs Vanguard Austria’s ETFs? If you were to invest in them for 30 years, which one would you choose?
Elongated Musk Is there an advantage in buying ETBs directly as opposed to indirectly via Aus Treasury Bond ETFs?
The man formally know as a IDIOT, ok, still a IDIOT Hello Gentleman, (might be a stretch) I’ve had my eye on a LIT, ASX QRI. It’s a bit different. It’s trading at roughly $1.43 while it’s said value is roughly $1.64. What’s the brains trust thing?
Farmer Stew Hi Owen say I have a farm, no you can’t buy it. But you can help pull calves and mark our lambs sometime. Say I have 500k still owning on it, it’s worth 1.2 m. What do think about borrowing against the farm to buy divided producing companys, using the div to pay of the mortage .
FTX – Got Schwifty Gentlemen, I wish to bring up the topic of China!.

Did anyone else notice a directive from the CCP Politburo, recently. That ordered the big banks in China to re-allocate emergency ‘safety net’ liquidity…back into the housing market to support struggling developers?

This move, for my mind, is ringing GFC style alarm bells. Perhaps even more reason to ‘batton down the investor hatches’, so to speak? Or am I being a fear monger?

nomorewam’n’nocry In your interview with Geoff Wilson, some important questions were not asked, such as ‘why is WAM at a 10 year low?’ and ‘why has GW been selling off his holdings?’ and ‘why are the ‘top’ 20 stocks in WAM such poor choices, e.g. AMP and TabCorp?’.
Senior Searcher Howdy, I just listened to the episode about senior secured loans. I was as interested as you Owen, but what should I search to find access to this asset class?
Forget Lithium, let’s go Copper!! Chaps! Can I please have your views on the Global X Ultra Long Nasdaq 100 Hedge Fund (LNAS) as an option to trade a small portion of a portfolio with the aim to benefit from the volatility in the Nasdaq, knowing full well the risks involved with this type of fund being heavily leveraged. I have my core portfolio well set but looking for opportunities to trade a small percentage.
Rumple Dowcrushed Outside of equities and property, what other alternative investments entice your investing taste buds? Bodies of water? Lego? Art? So many options, but what’s an actual option that possibly may spark some Joy in this dark world and provide a return. I ask a lot, but you guys have been delivering lately.
Call Me Daddy. Hi The Dynamic Duo! Thoughts on Soul Patts in a core portfolio which already owns the VAS (Vanguard ASX 300) ETF? Is there too much crossover between the two? Thanks
Pink and sparkly Is there an ETF for pink argyle diamonds or how do you invest safely in them?
ExplosiveBondBuffett (after an extra spicy RBA interest dinner at Govt bond restaurant) Heyo! Firstly, what are your thoughts on Michael Burry’s market crash predictions and do you think there is an imminent EFT burst looming over us?
Secondly, what would be the best broker platform for margin trading? (for having hedges as well eg. XJO)Lastly, love your interviews and conversations. Keep up the good work!
Old Timer With A Big Tank How is published fund performance data verified?
Does having an Australian Financial Services License require that verification of published performance data?
Mr Snrub I currently have a mortgage on my PPOR, and a shares portfolio of around $120k or so, that was in place before the home. I am considering selling these down to pay off the mortgage, re-borrowing and then investing again. i.e. Debt Recycling. The capital gains would be minimal, and the net position the same, however now with some slight ongoing tax benefits. Is there anything else you would make sure I need to consider before pulling the trigger on this?
What will be higher next year — inflation or (mortgage) interest rates? Denzel Frothington
Top five countries you’re most bullish (or bearish, if you want — you pick, it’s your podcast) on over the next decade….in order. Trio of Dips
If God were in a weird mood and decided to come down and force you to short one (US or Aus) stock today and close the position at the end of 2023 what wld it be? HappyBdayMuriel
Sam Bankrun Fraud SBF — fraud from the jump or got out over his skis?
The big dipbuyer. Lot of ponzis going on at the moment. If you two were to start a ponzi what wld your scheme be?!
‘self managed super fund’ is my porn name. OpenAI ChatGPT was v. popular on the internet this past week or so. If you two were to create a start-up in order to leverage the technology, what wld it be?
chase your losses; they cant run forever Favourite non-fiction book you read this year. Favourite substack.
Boring but rich Two broad areas of gaining alpha are stock picking and asset class selection. There are plenty of studies showing active stock pickers underperform passive index funds (by about 7 to 1). Are there any studies that active portfolio managers, constantly shifting asset classes this way and that, outperform a fixed portfolio (eg ASX 40%, Internat 30%, Fixed Int 20%, Infrastruct 10%)?
muriel’s wedding will also be my wedding Why would you ever sell a stock that’s down badly? Unless you REALLY need the money, that is. You’re just LOCKING IN a loss? My math may be wildly off here, but, lets say a stock is down 50% since you bought it. You sell, lock in a 50% drawdown (loser), then buy a different stock. StockB rly has to do twice as well as StockA for it to be worth the change. Plus you’re punting on the chance that StockA, which you originally liked enough to buy at twice the price!, going back up to a point it’s already shown it can get to. This seems silly. Why not just, as the crypto kids say, HODL?

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At the time of recording, The Rask Group owns units of the Vanguard VAS ETF and Fidelity FEMX fund.

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