Chris Bates, founder of Blusk, and Pete Wargent, six-time author and expert property buyer — both co-hosts of highly regarded Australian Property Podcast — cover the 101 of taxes for property buyers, investors and homeowners.
This is another 🧠educational episode of The Australian Property Podcast.
On this episode of The Australian Property Podcast, Pete and Chris cover the essential tax facts as they apply to property, including:
- Capital Gains Tax or CGT
- Income taxes and the basics of what to report
- Depreciation
- Negative gearing & more
As you’ll hear in this episode, we believe it’s vital to get expert tax advice from qualified practitioners. Neither Chris, Pete, or The Rask Group, are qualified tax agents. It’s important you speak with a professional before acting on any information you hear in the show. Remember, property transactions are usually large and important deals. Get expert advice. The advice could save — or make — you a lot of money.