Emma Edwards from The Broke Generation: $1,000 to increase your happiness, money rules & financial comparison

Emma Edwards from The Broke Generation joins Kate Campbell and Owen Rask on The Australian Finance Podcast to discuss the financial comparison trap, our invisible money rules and how she'd use $1,000 to increase her happiness.

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How would you use $1,000 to increase your happiness?

Kate & Owen pose this question to Emma Edwards of The Broke Generation, who takes a deep dive into our financial behaviour and how to improve our relationship with money.

Emma also shares her thoughts on the following:

💸 Improving our financial wellbeing

💸 Enjoying the journey to our money goals

💸 Our invisible money rules

💸 Her spending review process

💸 Dealing with financial comparison

✅ Here’s a question for you, dear listener:

If I gave you $1,000 right now to spend within 24 hours on something that’d most increase your happiness levels, what would it be?

Let us know on Instagram, and we’ll share in our upcoming Money & Chill episode!

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