We love hearing from you and understanding what you are thinking about the property market. On this episode of the Australian Property Podcast Buyer’s Agent, Amy Lunardi; and Founder of Rask, Owen Rask; are answering some of the latest questions that you have asked us!
In this episode, we cover the following questions:
- Can a seller approach a buyer’s agent directly rather than go to a real estate agent? What are the considerations of dealing with a buyer’s agent directly, rather than selling with an agent? What are the benefits (and the costs) in terms of price, fees, expertise, exposure & efficiency?
- The importance of a “property team” – From buyer’s agents, real estate agents, mortgage brokers & property managers in helping you navigate the nuanced layers and problems in buying, selling, and renting a property
- Handling emotions around not being able to afford what you want – knowing what you can understand and what you can and cannot control
- FIRE (financial independence retire early)- Moving to a cheaper state to retire early, diversifying investments away from pure property & how to manage your finances with your lifestyle, getting advice from financial & property professionals
- Diversifying your investments – what courses and resources are available?
- Property in rural mining areas – Is this a growth opportunity? Is it a long-term sustainable opportunity?
- What if something goes wrong with my property when it’s passed an inspection? – What actions can I take?
We want to help you prepare for any kind of future – if have anything you’ve been wanting to ask, submit a question and the team and have it featured on the show!