How are demographics and property linked? Mortgage Broker, Chris Bates, and Demographer, author, and educator Simon Kuestenmacher deep dive into how demographics will affect your property, the market, demand, and supply now and into the future. This episode will property insights into what factors to consider when purchasing a future home or investment property.
You can find Simon Kuestenmacher on Twitter (he has a quarter of a million followers) or in his monthly segment in The Australian.
On this episode of The Australian Property Podcast:
- What is Demographic/Demography? Study of people, why they are where they are, and how many there will be in the future
- Why are demographics important when it comes to property? What are the links between different life stages and property demands?
- Key property trends that we are seeing around life expectancy, downsizing, family changes, and the housing shortage
- Demographics and housing outlook – How housing policies can optimise the housing stock, how to buy a property with future demographics in mind
- Big demographic changes – effects of COVID, WFM & domestic and international migration
- Knowledge – the importance of long-term planning and government housing and retirement policies