Is my Tesla tax deductible? How to work it out, buying a car for work, giving yourself a “pay rise” & FBT explained

Is my Tesla car tax deductible in Australia? On The Australian Business Podcast, Owen, Jordan and Danil tackle whether or not cars are tax deductible. 

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About this episode

Is my Tesla, Hilux or any car tax deductible? 

On The Australian Business Podcast this week (don’t forget, we go live twice a week), I — Owen Rask — spoke with experienced small business accountants (and my co-hosts) Danil Goloubev and Jordan Kidis about whether, or not, cars are tax deductible.

Podcast show notes for Is My Tesla Tax Deductible?

Danil just had a baby (congrats!), Jordan just bought a Tesla, and Owen… also placed an order for a Tesla (even though he LOVES his banged-up old Subaru).

Almost every person or business owns a vehicle for business and private use. But too many people think a car is 100% tax deductible – which is often not the right answer!

In this episode, Owen, Danil and Jordan explain:

  • How to work out if your car is tax deductible
  • Why does it make sense to buy a base model Tesla (Model 3) with recent ATO rules?
  • What does Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) mean and how to calculate it (most people get really confused, even finance people — but this could save business owners $10k, $20k or more if done right!)
  • How to calculate depreciation on your car using the logbook
  • How to do a logbook and remind yourself
  • How much can tradies claim on their car?
  • Can office workers claim the cost of a car?

Be sure to send us your questions for next week! and select “Australian Business Podcast.

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