Balaji Gopal is the Head of Adviser Services at Vanguard Australia and one of the key people of the Vanguard organisation here in Australia.
In this Australian Investors Podcast episode, Balaji Gopal joins Owen Rask to talk about:
1. Portfolio construction & why investors are flocking to index funds and ETFs
2. Nuances in the debate of active versus passive and Vanguard’s modelling ethos for portfolios models over time (i.e. where active might work, or not), how the performers are calculated, etc. all stuff he’d get on the active versus passive debate daily.
3. The rise of Vanguard – why has Vanguard been an amazing institution (talking about the culture of clients/members globally, how decisions are made, how he thinks about leadership, the push into Super and platform, etc. how those decisions are made…)
4. Diversified ETFs and how good they are, how they are constructed, why you chose managed funds over other ETFs inside them; maybe also a chat about Vanguard’s ‘active’ strategies – why those were chosen
5. The index fund ‘bubble’, crossing days, and how Vanguard manages liquidity behind the scenes
6. Future of indexing — will we see a rise of direct indexing and DIY ETFs in Australia?
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