5 Foolish ASX stocks

At 12 noon this Wednesday, you will get 5 of Scott's ASX share ideas AND be able to ask us questions. All LIVE.

Dear investor,

They say there’s nothing like your first…

… job, out of university.

(Get your head out of the gutter)

But think about it.

When you graduate from university or school, your worldly wisdom rapidly kicks in.

For decades, chances are, a finance guy or gal like me would have graduated into a business full of commissions, conflicted financial advice and a few other unfortunate realities.

Every day, I count my blessings that that wasn’t my first job.

I was blessed to start out as a (capital-F) Fool, and be surrounded by some of Australia’s best investors — Mike King, Joe Magyer, Andrew Page, Scott Phillips, Claude Walker, Matt Joass… the list goes on.

But what made this the ‘best’ experience wasn’t just the people. It was the values.

Ultimate transparency with the community, long-term investing only (because it’s the only form of investing — everything else is ‘stock trading’) — and the value of individual opinions (there’s no “firm view” at Fool HQ).

These values set the bedrock for Rask’s foundations in 2017.

5 Foolish stocks to watch

This is why I’m humbled to invite my old colleague and a mentor of mine, Scott Phillips, onto Rask Live #3 this Wednesday at midday.

The special LIVE Q&A will be available at this link on YouTube.

Scott is the Motley Fool Australia’s Chief Investment Officer and a regular on all types of TV and radio shows. Chances are, you’ve seen him on TV.

He’s one of the finest thinkers and communicators in the investments industry. He’s also led the company’s market-leading service, Share Adviser, for many-many years.

But here’s the best part…

At 12 noon this Wednesday, you will get 5 of Scott’s ASX share ideas AND be able to ask us questions. All LIVE.

How fantastic is that!

All you have to do is arrive at this YouTube link at 12 noon on Wednesday.

Even if ASX stocks aren’t your jive, you can come along and talk about investing 101, retirement, passive income, property… you name it, why not join us and hundreds of investors LIVE this Wednesday at 12 midday?

We’ll be going LIVE for Rask LIVE, brought to you by Selfwealth.

The stream will kick off shortly after 12 noon, Australian eastern time.

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Join the session (12 noon Wednesday)

At the time of publishing, the author or their clients may have a financial interest in some of companies or securities mentioned.
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