Q&A: Work in healthcare? Listen to this. Plus, why offsets beat redraws & how to upgrade safely

Q&A: Work in healthcare? Listen to this. Plus, why offsets beat redraws & how to upgrade safely

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In this episode of The Australian Finance Podcast, Owen Rask is joined by Chris Bates, mortgage broker and founder of Blusk, to answer your property questions.

We L-O-V-E your property questions, so send them through to Chris Bates & Owen Rask:

Property questions answered today:

  1. What is Lenders Mortgage Insurance (LMI), and am I eligible for a waiver?
  2. Redraw vs Offset: What’s better between offset accounts and redraw facilities?
  3. Where should I keep my emergency fund if I already own a property?
  4. I want to upgrade my property, but we’re in a rental crisis – should I sell my property or buy first?
  5. Is it risky to tell real estate agents my budget? How can I make the most of the local real estate agents without divulging everything?

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