10 easy money goals for 2024

Ready to take control of your finances in 2024? Here are 10 easy money goals to help you take the first step on your money journey.

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Looking forward to 2024, you might be already starting to think about what goals you want to work towards.

If you’re listening to this podcast, you might be someone who tends to set big, ambitious goals. But sometimes, when it comes to money, this can make things harder.

Setting a big goal like “I want to sort my finances out and start investing” really needs to be broken down into lots of smaller steps to make it achievable.

In this episode, Kate Campbell & Owen Rask going to share a whole range of small money and investing goals you could set for yourself in 2024 to help you take the first step, whatever that looks like for you.

📚 Enjoyed this episode? You’ll love Kate’s book, Buying Happiness, which you can order on Booktopia or Amazon.

Here’s 10 money goals you could set:

  • Goal #1: Figure out your net worth  
  • Goal #2: Create a one-page financial plan
  • Goal #3: Invest $100 in an ETF
  • Goal #4: Add $100 to your super
  • Goal #5: Set up a dedicated savings account for gifts/Christmas  
  • Goal #6: Schedule a recurring 30-minute monthly money review each month
  • Goal #7: Spend $100 on a happiness-boosting activity
  • Goal #8: Borrow one money/investing book from the library
  • Goal #9: Donate $100 to a meaningful cause
  • Goal #10: Enrol in one short course for free to upskill in your career

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