6 international ETFs to explore (IVV, MOAT & more)

Owen Rask gives listeners an overview of 6 international ASX ETFs, including IVV, VGS, NDQ, QUAL, MOAT & FEMX.

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Can you invest internationally without leaving your couch?

In today’s episode, Owen Rask gives you an overview of 6 international ETFs, including IVV, VGS, NDQ, QUAL, MOAT & FEMX.

  1. What are ETFs?
  2. Where are ETFs most effective? (investing internationally because it bundles tax, currency, diversification, low costs and trading all in one investment)
  3. How would I use an international ETF?
    1. Core – lower cost (under 0.5% is good, or 0.5% ‘blended’), diversified & from a reputable provider, should include at least three asset classes (e.g. Aussie shares, global shares, bonds or cash)
    2. Satellite – maybe -10-20% of your portfolio, could include direct stocks, thematic ETFs or those with fees of 0.75%+

6 ETFs we cover in this episode

  1. IVV – US index, but globalised 
  2. VGS – global index, hyper-diverse
  3. NDQ or N100 – same ETF, top 100 NASDAQ only
  4. QUAL – 300 shares ranked for quality business
  5. MOAT – US only, ranks for quality franchise / most and valuations, about 40 stocks 
  6. FEMX – It’s technically not an ETF, but it looks like one 

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