10 questions to improve your relationship with money

Want to improve your relationship with money? Here are 10 reflection questions to improve your relationship with money.

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Do you want to improve your relationship with money?

A helpful tool when we’re trying to improve our finances is asking ourselves questions that push us to uncover our relationship with money. This is important because so much of our financial success depends on our behaviour, not how smart we are, how much money we have or what investments we choose.

In this episode, Kate & Owen run through a list of 10 questions you can ask yourself to improve your relationship with money by reflecting on your experiences and values.

We’ve put together a list of 10 questions that you can ask yourself. You can use this Google form to journal your responses, and if you share your email, it will automatically send you a copy once you hit submit.

We’ll share some of your responses on The Australian Finance Podcast in a future episode (de-identified, of course).

Best-selling finance author Morgan Housel (who wrote one of our favourite books, The Psychology of Money) said, “The concept of “enough” money doesn’t necessarily mean you have no aspirations for more. It means you realize that if your expectations grow faster than your income, you’ll always be disappointed and taking too much risk.”

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