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5 step share investing checklist for new investors

Learn how to research and invest in shares with our free step by step checklist, covering everything from the company's competitive advantage to its valuation.

At the highest level, we look for five things when we invest, which reflect our investment philosophy.

You should know these aren’t all of our ideas.

These steps are a product of hundreds of years (if not thousands) of combined teachings and lessons learned by others who have gone before us.

OWEN’S HOT TIP: If you’re good with Google, you’ll be able to find 99% of this information online. You’ve just got to know what you’re looking for! Be sure to write down what you find. Do that, and you’re on your way to become your own investment analyst!

We wanted to share our 5-point share investing checklist to assist you with your investment research. This is a tool for people just starting out on their share investment journey and is not an exhaustive list.

Plus, if you stick around to the end, you can download a free PDF version of this checklist!

Our 5-step approach

To identify individual Satellite positions for Rask Core 🌏, our approach is as follows:

  1. The companies must have a strong competitive advantage or ‘moat’
  2. Management must be aligned, talented, transparent and consider themselves as ‘owner-operators‘ (founders and families are great)
  3. The businesses must be within our team’s circle of competence (i.e. what we can understand). Given our expertise lies in the technology, finance, software and industrial sectors, we almost never venture outside of these industries. Fortunately for us, the companies in these industries can be extremely profitable.
  4. The business must operate in a structurally growing and increasingly important sector, market or geography. The total addressable market (TAM) is very important when we are aiming to invest for 5-10 years or more.
  5. The shares/business must be reasonably valued. We will use the standard valuation modelling tools, such as discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis, internal rate of return (IRR), comparables and ratios, and sum-of-the-parts.

Now, let’s break all this down.

#1 – What does the company do? 

The businesses must be within our team’s circle of competence (i.e. what we can understand). Given our expertise lies in the technology, finance, software and industrial sectors, we almost never venture outside of these industries. Fortunately for us, the companies in these industries can be rewarding.

  • Do I understand what the company actually does? (products, services, etc.)
  • Who buys their products? (e.g. its target customers)
  • Do I understand the company’s business model and how they make money?
  • Have I researched the history and track record of the company?

#2 – Who runs the company?

Management must be aligned, talented, transparent, and consider themselves as ‘owner-operators’ (founders and families are great). 

  • Do I know who the CEO is, and have I looked into his/her track record and experience? Check LinkedIn!
  • Do I know who is on the board of directors? Tip: read their bio and LinkedIn to find out if they have experience.
  • What’s the salary of the CEO? (Use the Annual Report in Australia, and the “proxy statement” for US companies).
  • Do the key people (CEO, board, etc.) own lots of shares in the company they run?  (i.e. do they have ‘skin in the game’?)
  • Is the CEO or senior management team the founder(s) of the company?

#3 – What is the company’s moat?

The companies must have a strong competitive advantage or ‘moat’. Competitive advantages include scale, network effect and brand. 

  • Do I know who the key competitors are? Think: the competing product providers (e.g. Microsoft Office competes with Google Docs).
  • What makes this company different from its competitors? (e.g. Office is used in most workplaces, but Google is more of a start-up thing)
  • Are there any key competitive advantages to this company? (Do people pay more for its brand, does it dominate the industry? Does it have patents or licences that protect its products?).
  • Does this company have a diversified range of products/services and revenue streams?
  • Is the business the top dog? Is the business a verb? Think ‘Google it’‘jump on a Zoom’‘did you Photoshop it?’.

#4 – Is the company in a growing industry? 

The business must operate in a structurally growing and increasingly important sector, market or geography. The total addressable market (TAM) is very important when we are aiming to invest for 5-10 years or more.

  • What is the total addressable market (TAM) for this company? Hint: search “[industry name] + market size”. You should be able to find free reports from Statista, Gartner, IBIS, etc.
  • I’ve conducted a review of the industry, and here’s what I found…
  • Do I believe this industry will grow over the next 10-20 years? (i.e. always make sure it’s not just a ‘concept’ or wishy-washy-BS ‘idea’ — are companies already making sales in this industry? If they’re not, the industry might not even exist yet!)
  • Have I identified the key drivers of growth for this industry? (e.g. within cloud computing, the “public cloud” is growing fast; within ‘sustainable energy’ lithium batteries are winning etc.).
  • Is the business going to be in a stronger position 10-20 years from now? Tip: unfortunately, at best, this will be just a ‘good guess’ based on your research. Write down your reasons for and against.

#5 – What’s the company’s valuation? 

The shares/business must be reasonably valued. We use the standard valuation modelling tools, such as discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis, internal rate of return (IRR), comparables and ratios, and sum-of-the-parts.

OWEN’S TIP: you can use Yahoo!Finance, your brokerage account and many other resources. If you want to be your own boss analyst, use the company’s annual report. Find the number of shares on issue (‘diluted shares on issue’) and then divide the profit and sales by that figure.

E.g. P/S ratio = total company sales for one year / number of shares. P/E = total company net profit / number of shares.

  • Have I calculated the price-earnings ratio (P/E) ratio of the company? How does this compare to competitors/similar companies/the industry average?
  • Have I calculated the price-to-sales ratio (P/S) ratio of the company? How does this compare to competitors/similar companies/the industry average?

✅ You made it to the end!

Click here to download your free share investing checklist.

Ready to analyse companies for real?

Now that you’ve made it through our share investing checklist, do you want to do a real valuation? Take the 100% FREE share investing valuation course. Watch Owen as he walks through the valuation process, modelling techniques and real-world approaches to what we’re taught in academia! Complete with downloads, pre-built spreadsheets, and more!

$50,000 per year in passive income from shares? Yes, please!

With interest rates UP, now could be one of the best times to start earning passive income from a portfolio. Imagine earning 4%, 5% — or more — in dividend passive income from the best shares, LICs, or ETFs… it’s like magic.

So how do the best investors do it?

Chief Investment Officer Owen Rask has just released his brand new passive income report. Owen has outlined 10 of his favourite ETFs and shares to watch, his rules for passive income investing, why he would buy ETFs before LICs and more.

You can INSTANTLY access Owen’s report for FREE by CLICKING HERE NOW and creating a 100% FREE Rask Account.

(Psst. By creating a free Rask account, you’ll also get access to 15+ online courses, 1,000+ podcasts, invites to events, a weekly value investing newsletter and more!)

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Information warning: The information on this website is published by The Rask Group Pty Ltd (ABN: 36 622 810 995) is limited to factual information or (at most) general financial advice only. That means, the information and advice does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. It is not specific to you, your needs, goals or objectives. Because of that, you should consider if the advice is appropriate to you and your needs, before acting on the information. If you don’t know what your needs are, you should consult a trusted and licensed financial adviser who can provide you with personal financial product advice. In addition, you should obtain and read the product disclosure statement (PDS) before making a decision to acquire a financial product. Please read our Terms and Conditions and Financial Services Guide before using this website. The Rask Group Pty Ltd is a Corporate Authorised Representative (#1280930) of AFSL #383169.

At the time of publishing, the author of this article does not have a financial or commercial interest in any of the companies mentioned.
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