ETF Q&A: Currency hedged ETFs, Cam’s top ETF for 10 years, influential books and ethical investing

Cameron Gleeson from Betashares joins Owen Rask to explain why currency-hedging matters, the Betashares Gold Bullion ETF (ASX: QAU) and answer your questions.

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Cameron Gleeson from Betashares joins Owen Rask on this Australian Finance Podcast to explain why currency-hedging matters, the Betashares Gold Bullion ETF (ASX: QAU) and answer your questions.

Topics covered:
– Cameron’s most influential books
– Currency-hedging and currency-hedged ETFs – everything you want to know
– Is currency hedging safe?
– Most popular ethical and sustainable investing ETFs
– Is there an ETF bubble?
– Why do some ETFs pay distributions monthly, quarterly or yearly?
– Cameron’s 2 satellite ETFs for 2034

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