Changing frugal ways and building the future, ft. Hayden Smith

In this Australian Finance Podcast episode, your host Owen Rask speaks with Hayden Smith about his frugal money goals, how money habits change over time and how the future of finance will look.

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About this episode

In this Australian Finance Podcast episode, your host Owen Rask speaks with Hayden Smith, co-founder and CTO recap on Hayden’s frugal money goals, how money habits change over time and how the future of finance will look.

If you like this Australian Finance Podcast episode on boosting your retirement, you’ll love the series. Don’t forget to subscribe for weekly shows on Apple, Spotify, YouTube or wherever you get your podcasts.

Topics covered today:

  • Hayden keeps taking toilet paper from hotels?!
  • Can Brisbane find Hayden’s buried treasure (peanut butter)
  • Is Hayden’s stance on money & finance changing?
  • Why Hayden bought an apartment
  • How can technology help you reach your goals
  • The future of finance technology

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