Biggest retirement questions answered – how to protect from a crash?

In this Australian Retirement Podcast episode, your hosts Drew Meredith, from Wattle Partners, and James O'Reilly, from Northeast Wealth answer your most pressing retirement questions.

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About this episode

In this Australian Retirement Podcast episode, your hosts Drew Meredith, from Wattle Partners, and James O’Reilly, from Northeast Wealth answer your most pressing retirement questions, including the biggest question of all ‘how can you protect your super from a market crash?’.

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Topics covered today:

  1. How financial advisers are protecting portfolios from a market crash
  2. What to think about when ‘upsizing’ in retirement
  3. How to supercharge your super contributions
  4. How super contributions can reduce your tax
  5. The best way to split contributions with your partner

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