Australian ETFs for income: A200, YMAX, CRED & EX20

Given the rise of the Australian share market, where can an investor find passive income from shares or ETFs in 2025?

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About this episode

Where can an investor find passive income from shares or ETFs in 2025? Given the rise of the Australian share market, people are worried about where their income might come from.

In this Australian Finance Podcast episode, your host Owen Rask, Chief Investment Officer of Rask Invest, is joined by Betashares’ Tom Wickenden, to talk about finding passive income from ETFs.

If you like this Australian Finance Podcast episode on passive income from ETFs, you’ll love the series. Don’t forget to subscribe for weekly shows on Apple, Spotify, YouTube or wherever you get your podcasts.

ETF topics covered today

  • Why income matters in 2025
  • What is “yield” and how is it calculated?
  • Are Australian shares still good for income?
  • Why ETFs can unlock more sources of income
  • One big theme for 2025 & beyond

These 5 ETFs will be profiled

  • Betashares Australia 200 ETF (ASX: A200)
  • Betashares Cash ETF (ASX: AAA)
  • Betashares Equity Yield Maximiser Fund (ASX: YMAX)
  • Betashares Australian Investment Grade Corporate ETF (ASX: CRED)
  • Betashares Australian Ex-20 Portfolio Diversifier ETF (ASX: EX20)

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