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Many Aussies feel confused by their RSU package. We’re here to explain how you can optimise them, manage tax and avoid some of the big traps.

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In this Australian Finance Podcast episode, your host Owen Rask, Chief Investment Officer at RASK, talks with James O’Reilly, from Northeast Wealth about how to maximise the financial outcomes from your RSUs and ESPP options.


If you like this Australian Finance Podcast episode on maximising your RSUs, you’ll love the series. Don’t forget to subscribe for weekly shows on Apple, Spotify, YouTube or wherever you get your podcasts.


Topics covered today:

  1. What are RSUs? How do they differ from ESPPs?
  2. Why do RSUs exist and how do they work?
  3. The inevitable tax complexities that accompany RSUs
  4. Effectively managing cashflow
  5. How can I ensure my RSUs help me to achieve my big financial goals?
  6. Common mistakes made with RSUs
  7. How you can take action today

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