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There are plenty of ASX dividend shares that have, or are expected to have, a high dividend yield. Could it be a good idea to focus on buying them?
If I had $5,000 to invest into ASX dividend shares, I know which ones I’d pick. One is Future Generation Investment Company Ltd (ASX:FGX).
These 2 great ASX dividend shares look like top income picks in my opinion, including WAM Microcap Limited (ASX:WMI).
I think ASX dividend shares are a great way to boost income from an investment portfolio. If I were given $5,000, I know where I’d invest it.
There are some cheap ASX shares that could be good options for income, such as Adairs Ltd (ASX:ADH).
A new tax year is about to start. I’ve got a plan for how I’m going to invest money into ASX shares in FY22.
You’d be forgiven for thinking that Adairs Ltd (ASX: ADH) shares were yo-yos because that’s how they behave in the market.
These 2 ASX dividend shares could be buys for income, such as Future Generation (ASX:FGX) and Adairs (ASX:ADH).
The house prices in Australia continue to surge, rising 2.2% in May 2021. This seems to suggest a strong end to FY21 for ASX shares.