Collins Foods Ltd (ASX: CKF) is a large fast food franchisee that operates KFC outlets in Australia, Germany and the Netherlands. It receives royalty revenue from Sizzler Asia outlets and Collins Foods has started to build Taco Bells in Australia. A fun fact is that Collins Foods’ ticker of CKF is an anagram of KFC, its main source of earnings.
Australia’s share market, or the All Ordinaries Index (INDEXASX:XAO)(ASX:XAO), is currently down 0.17% at lunch.
Here are the stories from the S&P/ASX 200 (INDEXASX:XJO)(ASX:XJO) and Australian finance circles today.
Collins Foods Ltd (ASX:CKF) has reported that its revenue growth for the first half of FY19 was 27.6%.
Australia’s share market, or the All Ordinaries Index (INDEXASX: XAO)(ASX: XAO), is currently up 0.60% at lunch.
Australia’s share market, or the All Ordinaries Index (INDEXASX: XAO)(ASX: XAO), is currently down 0.37% at lunch.
Collins Foods Ltd (ASX:CKF) shares have fallen by 3.85% after reporting its full year result to 29 April 2018.