Qube Holdings Ltd (ASX:QUB)

Qube Holdings Ltd ASX QUB share price

Qube Holdings Ltd (ASX:QUB) is a diversified logistics and infrastructure company founded in 2010 following the acquisition of Kaplan Equity by KFM Diversified Infrastructure and Logistics Fund, which rebranded as Qube Logistics. Qube is comprised of five business units including Ports, Bulk, Logistics, Infrastructure and Property, and Strategic Assets.

Qube Holdings Ltd (ASX:QUB) share price

Qube Holdings Ltd (ASX:QUB) share price news

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ASX Share Ideas
Luke Kennelly

Why Are Qube (ASX:QUB) Shares On The Move?

Shares in global logistics business Qube Holdings Ltd (ASX:QUB) have opened stronger this morning after a positive broker note out of Goldman Sachs.

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