Bapcor Ltd (ASX:BAP)

Bapcor asx bap share price

Bapcor Ltd (ASX: BAP) was originally called Burson Group. Today. Bapcor is a specialist auto parts business but what most consumers don’t know is that Bapcor is more than a retailer of spare parts. Its bread and butter is ‘trade services’. For example, when you get your car serviced by a mechanic, the mechanic doesn’t store all of the parts for the make and model of your car in their shop. Instead, they rely on a nearby distributor like Burson’s who can deliver the exact parts within a matter of hours. 

Bapcor Ltd (ASX:BAP) share price

Bapcor Ltd (ASX:BAP) share price news

ASX Share Ideas
Claude Walker

3 Stocks I Bought For A Discounted Capital Raising

Institutions often get the biggest slice of the pie when it comes to discounted share issues, but retail investors can sometimes take advantage of their size to get proportionally large holdings…

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