BetaShares Australian Equities Bear Hedge (ASX:BEAR)

Betashares (ASX:BEAR) ETF. The BetaShares BEAR Fund is designed to provide inverse or opposite exposure to the largest Australian shares, based on market capitalisation. When the S&P/ASX 200 Accumulation Index falls, BEAR aims to generate positive returns for investors.View our FULL REPORT on Betashares BEAR ETF (ASX:BEAR).

BetaShares Australian Equities Bear Hedge (ASX:BEAR) share price

BetaShares Australian Equities Bear Hedge (ASX:BEAR) share price news

Editor's picks
Max Wagner

The ASX 200 might be up, but the BBOZ Fund ETF is still popular

As the economy falters, the pandemic returns to Victoria and markets nudge all-time highs, the growth of the BetaShares Australian Equities Strong Bear Hedge Fund (ASX: BBOZ) suggests not all investors are convinced this bull market can last.

Ilan Israelstam

Coronavirus: 4 FAQs for ETF investors

In this long-form article, the team at BetaShares ETFs answer questions about the BEAR range of ETFs and how to invest during Coronavirus.

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