Brickworks Limited (ASX:BKW)


Brickworks Limited (ASX:BKW) was listed on the ASX in 1962 and has paid a dividend every year since then. The construction business has four divisions – Building Products Australia (eg Austral Bricks), Building Products North America (Glen Gery), Property and Investments — it owns ~39% of Washington H. Soul Pattinson & Co. Ltd (ASX: SOL).

Brickworks Limited (ASX:BKW) share price

Brickworks Limited (ASX:BKW) share price news

alu-share-price-alu-dividend-asxBusiness man pressing high tech type of modern graph on a virtual background
ASX Share Ideas
Andrew Schonberger

Soul Pattinson (SOL) Delivers Again

Today Washing H Soul Pattinson & Company Ltd (ASX: SOL) announced its results for the half-year ended 31 January 2019, reporting its highest regular (underlying) profit after tax of $186.7 million.

ASX News
Today's ASX news
Owen Raszkiewicz

S&P/ASX 200 News Tuesday

Here are the stories from the S&P/ASX 200 (INDEXASX:XJO)(ASX:XJO) and Australian finance circles today.

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