CSL Limited (ASX: CSL) is Australia’s largest (and some might say best) healthcare company, specialising in biopharmaceuticals. Founded in the late 1900s as the Commonwealth Serum Laboratories, CSL was sold by the Australian Government to Australian investors via the share market in 1994 at $2.30 per share, at which time it doubled its size through an international acquisition. CSL is a global leader in blood plasma vaccines (think: the flu) and antivenoms, providing relief for potentially life-threatening medical conditions.
The S&P/ASX 200 (ASX:XJO) managed to eke out another small gain on Wednesday as Woolies (ASX:WOW) and a2 Mik (ASX:A2M) shares made headlines.
It’s a Sunday evening, a glass of red in hand, and I was watching Oaktree’s Howard Marks opine on markets, crypto, fed policy and distressed
The S&P/ASX 200 (ASX: XJO) fell 0.3% on Tuesday as CSL (ASX:CSL) and Westpac (ASX:WBC) shares made headlines.
Today CSL Limited (ASX: CSL) held its Annual General Meeting for shareholders. Here’s five notable points from the meeting.
Could ASX blue chip shares be some of the best investments to choose from, like Westpac Banking Corp (ASX:WBC)?
The S&P/ASX 200 (ASX: XJO) fell another 1.5% on Tuesday as a spike in US bond yields put markets into a tailspin.
BetaShares Australia 200 ETF (ASX:A200) could be a really good starting investment for people beginning their investment journey.
Could Australian Foundation Investment Co. Ltd. (ASX:AFI) be a great way to invest for the long-term in ASX shares?
The S&P/ASX 200 fell 0.8% on Friday, erasing the week’s gains and ultimately leaving the index down three points for the week.