CSL Limited (ASX: CSL) is Australia’s largest (and some might say best) healthcare company, specialising in biopharmaceuticals. Founded in the late 1900s as the Commonwealth Serum Laboratories, CSL was sold by the Australian Government to Australian investors via the share market in 1994 at $2.30 per share, at which time it doubled its size through an international acquisition. CSL is a global leader in blood plasma vaccines (think: the flu) and antivenoms, providing relief for potentially life-threatening medical conditions.
The CSL Limited (ASX:CSL) share price is down around 10.0% since the start of the 2023. It’s probably worth asking, ‘is the CSL share price top value?’
The Washington H Sl Pttnsn nd Cmpny Ltd (ASX:SOL) share price is up 25.5% since the start of the 2023. It’s probably worth asking, ‘is the SOL share price undervalued?’
The benchmark S&P/ASX 200 (INDEXASX: XJO) index advanced 19.5 points, or 0.3%, to 7014.9, while the broader All Ordinaries (INDEXASX: XAO) index rose 16.7 points, or 0.2%, to 7,215.
The S&P/ASX 200 (INDEXASX: XJO) closed 19.2 points, or 0.3%, higher at 6,997 and the broader All Ordinaries (INDEXASX: XAO) index was 0.2% higher, up 17.2 points at 7,192.3.
The Australian share market staged a strong rally to begin November, with the S&P/ASX 200 (INDEXASX: XJO) gaining 0.9% and the All Ordinaries (INDEXASX: XAO) 0.8% as just two of the 11 sectors posted losses.
This episode gives you an overview of the 10 LARGEST Australian companies that feature heavily in many core ETFs (for example, VAS, A200, IOX & STW).
The benchmark S&P/ASX 200 (INDEXASX: XJO) closed 2.6 points lower, at 6,854, losing early gains. The broader All Ordinaries (INDEXASX: XAO) index, however, managed a 0.7-point gain, to 7,046.
The benchmark S&P/ASX 200 (INDEXASX: XJO) index added 12.8 points, or 0.2%, to 6,856, while the broader All Ordinaries (INDEXASX: XAO) index gained 15.6 points, or 0.2%, to 7,045.
The Australian stock market has given up all of the gains that it had made in 2023, with the benchmark S&P/ASX 200 (INDEXASX: XJO) losing 56.6 points, or 0.8%, on Monday to 6,844.1, with resources weakness the major culprit. That puts the index in the red by 2.8% for the year.