CSL Limited (ASX:CSL)

Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences

CSL Limited (ASX: CSL) is Australia’s largest (and some might say best) healthcare company, specialising in biopharmaceuticals. Founded in the late 1900s as the Commonwealth Serum Laboratories, CSL was sold by the Australian Government to Australian investors via the share market in 1994 at $2.30 per share, at which time it doubled its size through an international acquisition. CSL is a global leader in blood plasma vaccines (think: the flu) and antivenoms, providing relief for potentially life-threatening medical conditions.

CSL Limited (ASX:CSL) share price

CSL Limited (ASX:CSL) share price news

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Traders stay on sideline ahead of October rates call

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Is this the next REA Group (ASX:REA)?

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