CSR Limited (ASX:CSR) is one of the leading building products businesses in Australia and New Zealand. Gyprock plasterboard, Bradford insulation, PGH bricks and pavers, Monier rooftiles and AFS load bearing for concrete walls are some of the brands offered by CSR. The company is also a joint venture participant in the Tomago aluminium smelter, located near Newcastle, NSW. CSR also generates additional earnings from its ‘Property’ division which focuses on maximising financial returns by developing surplus former manufacturing sites and industrial land for sale.
The Adelaide Brighton Ltd (ASX:ABC) share price fell 10% today after releasing a market update to the ASX.
The declining value of Australian properties seems to have hit the CSR Limited (ASX:CSR) profit which was reported earlier today.
The Australian election has been called for 18 May 2019, how will it affect the ASX200 (XJO)?
The ASX 200 (INDEXASX:XJO)(^AXJO) is expected to open lower today, the USA’s S&P 500 Index (.INX) went up 0.36% on Thursday.
The S&P Dow Jones Indices has announced the various changes to the S&P/ASX indices, which will be effective on 24 December 2018.
Here are the stories from the S&P/ASX 200 (INDEXASX:XJO)(ASX:XJO) and Australian finance circles today.
Australia’s share market, or the All Ordinaries Index (INDEXASX: XAO)(ASX: XAO), is currently down 1.17% at lunch.
Australia’s share market, or the All Ordinaries Index (INDEXASX: XAO)(ASX: XAO), is currently down 0.21% at lunch.
Building products company CSR Limited (ASX:CSR) confirmed that it may sell its Viridian glass business.