Vanguard Australian Fixed Interest Index ETF (ASX:VAF)

Vanguard (ASX:VAF) ETF. The Vanguard VAF ETF provides investors with exposure to a portfolio of Australian Commonwealth Government bonds, state government bonds and bonds from treasury corporations, as well as some investment-grade corporate debt.View our FULL REPORT on Vanguard VAF ETF (ASX:VAF).

Vanguard Australian Fixed Interest Index ETF (ASX:VAF) share price

Vanguard Australian Fixed Interest Index ETF (ASX:VAF) share price news

Australian Investors Podcast
Rask Australia

Gold or bonds? Why not both? Ft. Kanish Chugh of ETF Securities

The gold price performed strongly over the past year while bond prices tanked. Kanish Chugh from ETF Securities and Owen Rask talk how to use gold in a portfolio, why bonds are still relevant and how to build a diversified portfolio. 

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