Marcus Padley

When you get a bit older (and smarter), there is nothing quite as exciting as the sight of a stampeding herd that has lost its mind to a collective delusion

Marcus Padley is a well-regarded media presenter who founded the Marcus Today Stock Market Newsletter in 1998, and has built a newsletter which delivers honest and insightful stock market analyses and recommendations. Marcus was a stockbroker for 32 years and a prize winner in Applied Portfolio Management at Macquarie University. He has advised institutional fund managers in London and Australia, and has been advising private clients for the last 25 years. Marcus regularly appears on ABC News and is a much sought-after speaker in financial circles. He has spoken and conducted seminars at the Australian Investors Association, the Australian Shareholders Association, the ASX, the Australian Technical Analysts Association, and more. Marcus’ hobbies include golf, motorcycles, surf-skiing, windsurfing, amongst others.

Marcus Padley is the author of the Marcus Today Stock Market Newsletter. Having spent 16 years in the UK as an institutional stockbroker, Marcus arrived in Australia in 1994 as a souvenir of his wife’s visit to London. He has spent the last 29 years in Australia, 4 of those as a stockbroker advising institutional fund managers, and for the last 25 years, private clients.

Since 1998, Marcus has developed and enhanced the Marcus Today product, which now offers a highly regarded newsletter subscription, stock market education, and funds management. Marcus Today calls it as it is, without agenda, puts subscribers first, and it has paid off for real people with real money. That’s what our testimonials tell us.

At Marcus Today, our primary objective is to maximise returns by capitalising on upward market trends, while minimising the impact of regular and significant corrections on your investments.
We strive to strategically navigate the market, aiming to be fully invested during favourable times, while actively avoiding downturns.

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